Keeping you in control of your everyday ISP needs


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Frequently asked questions.

You can download your account statement by logging in to your online portal and going to Finance , then Documents. Top right corner will have a Generate statement button click it. Select the required period and Finance Documents in the top right corner click "show" after the transactions is shown in the list you can click on Generate PDF this will download the selected period in PDF format.

You can upgrade your service by logging in and going to My Products  here you will find all service related tabs select My Services.
Click on Change Service icon below the service you would like to upgrade/downgrade. You will be presented with two options Self-service (Self-service is related to standard service and can be upgraded immediately) Request (Request are for packages bundled together and will be upgraded by our friendly staff during business hours)
Click Apply and you are all set.  

You can add your Bank Account or Credit Card details by logging in to your online portal and going to Finance here you will find all billing related tabs select Payment Credentials You can now add a direct debit account (normal bank account) or credit card for all future payments to be processed automatically.

Many broadband providers impose a data limit called a Fair Use Policy or FUP. For instance, if you’ve subscribed to a 4 mbps broadband plan for a month and crossed that limit, the broadband provider will automatically reduce your internet speed for the next month.

We however do it a little differently

As with all acceptable usage policies, if you use more than a certain, pre-determined “fair” amount of data (your FUP threshold) in a given timeframe, you stand to be restricted to slower speeds during peak times, in order to allow other users access to the network fairly. 

Each line speed has its own FUP threshold, and because we don’t all have the same data needs, we offer a few distinct packages which have different thresholds on the same line speed.

If you use your daily allocated bandwidth your line speed will be lowered by 50% you then have X amount of bandwidth available before you get limited another 25% *All counters reset at midnight so you will have your full speed again the next day.

Download first

Go to your device app download page click one of the following.

Once installed open and connect

Connect your app to our server account.swd.net.za

Login with your account details

If you can't remember your details please use the forgot your password link or contact us.

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  • Swellendam, 6740
  • Phone
  • +27280070020